Conception and manufacture of data-acquisition systems for driving tunnels

Conception and manufacture of data-acquisition systems for driving tunnels

Tunnel boring, Pipe jacking, Tunnel construction,
Stractural Engineering, Excavation.

Hydraulic engineering, Civil Engineering.

Road Construction,
Canal Registration,
Dike Construction.

We get right to the point

According to this motto, as one of the market leaders in the development and manufacture of navigation systems for pipe jacking and utility tunneling, the most important concern for us is to further develop the precision, economy and flexibility of solution strategies.

CENTERLINE GmbH combines a large amount of special know-how and offers a large, multi-skilled group of people a professional field of activity.
Surveyors, electrical engineers and programmers work side by side, always open to the requirements of the market, committed and innovative in the service of the customer.

If you have questions or suggestions, please use the following contact form.
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